Pool Sloshing Analysis
Swimming pools located near the top of tall buildings have become a common amenity in residential towers around the world.
When the pool becomes tuned with the structure, significant wave sloshing may occur on a regular basis during windy days.
Pools have a minimal capability to dissipate sloshing energy, and as a result the sloshing response can increase to significant levels over relatively short periods of time. In extreme cases, the water in the pool will overflow on either side and spill into the surrounding areas. If the water is not properly contained, this can lead to damage to the pool area and the potential for water leaking to the lower levels of the building.
What is Pool Sloshing?

How Can We Help?
Motioneering leverages our extensive background analyzing the response of structures equipped with tuned sloshing dampers to investigate the
sloshing response of pools. Our in-house analysis capabilities in this area range from idealized sloshing models to quantify risk of sloshing to full computational fluid dynamics analysis.
Required Information for Analysis
Pool configuration, orientation, and dimensions: length, width and water depth.
Structural dynamic properties of building: periods of vibration, mass, modal displacements obtained from structural engineer's analysis model.
Information on the dynamic motions of the structure, generally obtained from wind tunnel testing.
Motioneering’s pool sloshing analysis methodology can be extended beyond pools to any liquid tank located in a building, such as rooftop water storage tanks. We can assess the risk of significant sloshing in these tanks and determine if there is the possibility of undesirable responses such as sloshing wave impacts with the tank ceiling. Our analysis results can be used by tank manufacturers to determine if the tank can withstand the sloshing response as well as structural engineers for design of the interface connections between the tank and structure.
More Than Pools