Short Term & Long Term Monitoring
Some buildings may creak and groan on windy days. Elevator vertical transportation service may be affected by building sway. Sometimes occupants may report noise or feelings of motion.
We have over 25 years of experience in monitoring systems to help our clients determine the cause and develop mitigation measures if needed.
What is Short Term Monitoring?
Over a period of days, weeks, or months, a temporary system of instruments is used to measure specific properties of an existing
What is Long Term Monitoring?
A permanent and robust system is installed for continuous measurement and periodic reporting to the building operations team over a long period of time.

Short-term monitoring is used when owners, operations staff, and designers of spaces need some information about the existing structure to inform planning decisions about their capital asset. This could include plans for expanding, renovating, changing occupant usage, or addressing existing issues.
Why Short Term Monitoring?
We work with you to establish what is
needed in your monitoring program to ensure the right data is collected in the right way.
How Can Motioneering Help?

Long-term monitoring is used when owners, operations staff, and designers of spaces need continuous information about structural performance to proactively manage and maintain their capital asset. In some cases, monitoring
displays may be incorporated into public exhibits to promote learning and awareness of technologies used in the building.
Why Long Term Monitoring?

We work with you to select a system that will collect the right data in the right way and can be used to provide ongoing value to operations personnel.
How Can Motioneering Help?